Links to Financial Assistance
Services Australia ( Centrelink)
Video: Multilingual Phone Service. Information in your language. Read information. A multilingual phone service – Speak directly to a Services officer in your language
Phone: 131 202
Weblink: Multilingual Phone Service
Services Australia ( Centrelink)
The Carer Payment is an income support payment for carers who give constant care to someone who has a severe disability, illness or an adult who is frail and aged. Eligibility applies.
Phone: 132 717
Weblink: Information for carers
Services Australia ( Centrelink)
The Carer Allowance is a fortnightly supplement for people who give additional daily care to someone with a disability, serious illness or is frail aged. Eligibility applies.
Phone: 131 202
Weblink: Carer Payment
Links to Important Community Services and Resources
Services Australia ( Centrelink)
Carer Adjustment Payment is a one off payment for people who provide constant care for their child under 7 who has a severe illness, severe medical condition or major disability because of a catastrophic event. Eligibility applies
Phone: 131 202
Weblink: Carer Adjustment Payment
Services Australia ( Centrelink)
Vietnamese language Disability Support Pension. Disability Support Pension is a payment support for Australia residents who have a permanent physical, intellectual or psychiatric condition that stops them from working. Eligibility applies
Phone: 131 202
Weblink: Disability Support Pension
Services Australia ( Centrelink)
Vietnamese Pensioner Education Supplement. The Pensioner Education Supplement is a fortnightly payment to help with study costs if you get certain payment from Services Australia.
Phone: 132 490
Services Australia ( Centrelink)
Mobility Allowance is a payment to support the people who have a disability or illness if they study, work or looking for job and cannot travel on public transport. Eligibility applies
Phone: 132 717
Weblink: Mobility Allowance
Services Australia ( Centrelink)
Special Benefit is a payment if you are in severed financial hardship beyond your control and does not receive any income from Services Australia. Eligibility applies
Phone: 132 850
Weblink: Special Benefit
Companion card
The companion card is for people with disability who require high level of support from a carer when attending most community activities or events. The companion card allows a person’s carer free entry to all participating venues and events including public transport.
Phone: 1800 650 611
Carer Card – We Care
The Carer card is a program by the Victorian State Government in collaboration with businesses. The card enables carers to receive discounts and benefits for their acknowledgement and contributions.
Example of benefit include concession fare on public transport and free travel on weekends on metro trains, tram and buses and regional buses.
Phone: 1800 901 958
PTV Access Travel Pass
The Access Travel pass is for people who have a permanent physical disability, cognitive condition or mental illness that prevents them from using Myki. The card allows a person to travel freely and independently having access to all metropolitan trains, trams and busses and V/Line trains.
Website: PTV Access Travel Pass
Multipurpose Taxi Program
The multipurpose Taxi program offers subsidised taxi fare. Please see your GP for initial application
Phone: 1800 638 802
Website: Multi purpose taxi program
Disabled parking permit
The disabled parking permit is only given for those with significant intellectual or ambulatory disability. There are two different type of parking permits. The Blue Permit entitles the holder to park in a blue printed bay for disabled motorists or park in a normal area for twice the specified time. While the Green Permit only allows the holder to park in a normal area twice the specified time.
Please contact your local councils for further detail:
Brimbank phone: 9249 4000
Brimbank website: Apply for disabled Parking Permit Brimbank
Maribyrnong phone: 9899 0200
Maribyrnong website: Apply for disabled Parking Permit Brimbank Maribyrnong